i've recenlty stumbled upon (or been given the URL to) several of my friend's blogs, and they are all more diary-like than mine. and while i like the style i've taken with mine (analytical, summarizing, generalizing, story-telling, forum for improving and practicing my writing), i think it can't hurt to make it more diary-like: i.e. include important happenings, events, frisbee tournaments, parties, stupid things my boss does, etc. besides, my memory is really bad and if i don't write down the names of people and places, they will be forgotten and my life will seem more pointless than it already does.
along those lines, i'd like to tell you about my weekend (you being my imaginary audience). i left new haven around 7 on friday, picked up sean and elissa, and we all headed to vassar's place in providence, where we met up with EZ pass and later idaho and nancy. then we all went out drinking, and drank until bartime. the math doesn't quite up, but trust me, i only got about 3 hours of sleep and consequently felt like ass in the morning.
saturday was Get HoHoHo! we (slow white) were helping cape to run the tournament, but we (sean, elissa, and i) got there late, and all that was left to done was set up fields. then i got to hang out on the sidelines and watch SLAMS (sean laing's army of midget sluts). i myself was injured, my hip flexor was still hurting from Frozen Disc of Death three weeks ago. it was great to see everyone again: kris, miller, lori (my new IM buddy!), jasper, teddy, kat, hammer, pass. also on the team were drew, kerry, rachel, and sean's friend dylan. cape, steve, dan, evan, and siona were playing on another team. cork was on that team. gimps beth and rosie came for moral and staff support. RWU kids pete and evan provided the usual comic relief. also saw flash, scotty, bobby doane, karen, tucker, miriam, sarah cook, ben, jay kline, marshall...the list goes on and on, just like it should at a good frisbee tournament. highlights (i'm also borrowing another feature of my friends' blogs: lists) :
1. drinking baileys and coffee, all day long
2. blowing up an 8-ft tall santa
3. watching teddy enact sexual fantasies with said santa
4. staying warm with dan on the sidelines of the finals
5. watching SLAMS beat a Monkeys-based team in the finals
6. sean's lay-out handblock of Jim Parinella
7. cleaning up (OK, so this wasn't exactly fun, but everyone had such a positive attitude about it, i thought i'd include it here)
8. driving back with sean (hadn't gotten to spend some quality chatting time with him lately)
this was probably the most fun i've had watching a tournament while injured. i wasn't that upset about not being able to play, because (a) it was a pretty low stakes tourney, (b) i probably got to hang out more *not* playing than playing, and (c) i've been injured so many times by now that i know it's not the end of the world and i'll get better eventually.
my marathon of fun continued with sierra's b-day party saturday night. quite the raucous time. i played beer pong with sara smiley. i drank waaay too much. ramona people showed up. i smoked. i ate cake. i didn't kiss anyone. it was funny to watch sierra's boy toys (nate and brian) as she flirted with timmy hebda (who is engaged). got home a little before 4, and then IM'ed with lori until well after 5. slept 'til 2, had coffee with ernesto, wasted the rest of the afternoon, had a bit of a scare when dietmar came over the sign the lease and appeared to be having second thoughts, watched my sunday night TV, and am now blogging.
not terribly looking forward to monday, but i realized i only have ~2 weeks before i leave for x-mas. that's a nice chunk of time to work with, so i should probably set some goals of stuff to get done before i head home for the holidays. i've been into list-making lately. it's a great feeling to stumble across an old list and discover you've completed all the tasks on it.