Thursday, December 15, 2005


HOLY DEAR GOD I CANNOT FALL ASLEEP. what the freak? i was exhausted in this whole-body achy sort of way when i came home ~6. then i gorged myself, which usually induces sleep, and indeed i felt awful enough to climb into bed a little after 8. but sleep would not come. my body just treated that as a little nap. once i was warmed up (the apartment was freezing), i was wide awake. OK, not wide. but up i got. IM'd a bit. then watched a movie and knitted until i ran out of yarn (will have to get more...otherwise my sister will be getting a choker for x-mas and not a scarf). i even did dishes. now am back to computer. WTF? why am i not tired? too much stimulation, this computer stuff? problem is, i don't have a good fiction book to read. i have a ton of non-fiction, but they requires brain power, and do not make a good pre-bedtime read. sigh. if only i really felt like being productive: i'd clean the apartment, or do laundry, or tidy up my room. damn this laziness.


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