Thursday, June 02, 2011

end of May / beginning of June

5/28: skillz n' drillz n' boot
5/29: bike ride, 27 hilly miles ( ~15-16 mph average
5/30: throwing (at lacrosse goal & trash can)

5/31: track + throwing

Fartlek: 2 laps of sprinting straightaways, jogging curves
Do the following 2x through:
2x200 – 45 seconds between 200s
Rest 2 minutes
4x100 – 30 seconds between 100s
Rest 2 minutes
8x50 – 15 seconds between 50s
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Fartlek in 3:30
didn't time the 50's


6/01: lifting
deadlifts, inverted rows/pull-ups, 1-leg standing rotational lifts, squat press, decline push-up on 1 leg, bulgarian lunges + box blast, 1-leg 2-arm RDL, side bridge w/ row, back & side extensions