Tuesday, January 31, 2006

decisions and revelations

clearly, i am faced with a very difficult decision: to leave grad school or to stay? and if a go, what career to pursue? that in and of itself is challenging. but what complicates the matter, is the fact that i am quite incapable of making a decision and sticking to it. lisa and i visited this idea today, and i think the answer to my "problem" lies in the reasons why i am having such a hard time choosing between many options.

i like trends. i like to simplify. i like to identify patterns, similarities, and make analogies. break down big decisions by looking at how i make little ones. for example, i'll say to myself "i'm going to go out less, to save money, drink less, be healthier." and then i find myself getting sucked into going out on a monday night. conclusion: i am very impulsive. and i like that. i like being compulsive. i like saying, "let's go to a bar" even though it's 3:15 on a saturday afternoon and we have to be back at the team meeting in 15 minutes. it's fun. it's alive.

i haven't always been impulsive. i was very meticulous and disciplined in high school, through ~sophomore year in college (interestingly, right around the time that i began compulsive over-eating). i started drinking, playing a lot of frisbee, and being more and more spontaneous. in general, i was less averse to having fun, rather than working hard all the time.

perhaps related to this observation, is a thought i had the other day. i wondered if my whole life i was doing things for other people -- to please my parents, impress my community, earn the admiration of teachers -- and that part of my struggle has been letting myself do what i want. has my eating disorder been nothing more than my effort to force myself to adhere to my self-imposed standards of perfection, and my subsequent means of punishing myself for failing to meet them? regardless, it was a major revelation for me today to finally learn and accept that i can do what i want -- what makes me happy -- and still be loved, by my parents, by my friends, by my mentors, by anyone.

i'm not sure what this means in terms of the decision that faces me. should i be impulsive and quit grad school? one thing is for sure, though. i do need to figure out what *i* want to do, for me. i know now that doing things because i think other people want me to is a recipe for disaster.

for me and no one else...


At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are really similar.

The only reason I finished my masters is because I like finishing things.

Going to a bar during the team meeting was the best idea EVER.

It doesn't matter what choice you make, as long as it's your choice. Whatever path you decide to machete out for yourself, you will succeed in it. And the other cool thing is, you can always retrace your steps and start over again. If you're young enough to play competitive ultimate, you're young enough to choose a new career.


At 2:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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