Friday, December 07, 2007


two things i've discovered lately:

- climbing is a lot of fun. part of it is using your entire body to pull yourself up a wall; part of it is the adrenaline rush you get from being 40 ft off the ground, your life in the hands of a knot and your belayer; part of it is doing something that has a learning curve for me again -- each time i go, i'm a little bit better, a little bit stronger, can climb something a little bit more difficult, all without trying terribly hard, which is very much the opposite of frisbee. my first day out, i could barely manage 5.5's. now i'm completing 5.6+'s, nearly mastering 5.7's, and holding my own on 5.8's.

- baked alaska is delicious and terribly caloric. if i ever need to gain 10 lbs in a sitting and it's not thanksgiving, i now know what to eat.


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