i hate making them. i am bad at it. not that i necessarily tend to make the wrong or a bad decision (although i tend to only remember the bad/wrong decisions, and not the times i made a good/right decision) but that i hem and haw and even when i finally act and decide, i second-guess myself. i'll save this discussion & analysis for another time; for now, i'll content myself to just list decisions i need to make, or have recently made and am still thinking about:
1. when to go home for x-mas. decision: made. flying out thursday the 20th; returning wednesday the 26th. whatever.
2. which (if any) tournaments to go to in january. options: lei out, with hurt locker; vegas or tempe with WI women's alum (*they* haven't decided which they're going to yet -- i'm not the only one bad at making decisions!); or vegas with CT peeps.
3. constant daily struggle-decision: how much to work, work-out, sleep, slack, eat, socialize, etc.
4. persistent long-term life-decision: what to do next, after grad school, with my life?
5. not really a decision but still on my mind: why am i still single? and what can/should i do about it?
hey kendra! found your blog cuz i started my own and now we're both linked on lori's. hope you're doing well. i say go to lei-out :) a bunch of ladies on mischief are going, and they always seem to have fun.
one more comment. isn't it funny that you called your thanksgiving post "giving of the thanks" and i called mine "thanks for the giving"? you're giving and i'm selfish, haha.
p.s. i'll link your blog if you link mine
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