Wednesday, November 28, 2007


i hate making them. i am bad at it. not that i necessarily tend to make the wrong or a bad decision (although i tend to only remember the bad/wrong decisions, and not the times i made a good/right decision) but that i hem and haw and even when i finally act and decide, i second-guess myself. i'll save this discussion & analysis for another time; for now, i'll content myself to just list decisions i need to make, or have recently made and am still thinking about:

1. when to go home for x-mas. decision: made. flying out thursday the 20th; returning wednesday the 26th. whatever.

2. which (if any) tournaments to go to in january. options: lei out, with hurt locker; vegas or tempe with WI women's alum (*they* haven't decided which they're going to yet -- i'm not the only one bad at making decisions!); or vegas with CT peeps.

3. constant daily struggle-decision: how much to work, work-out, sleep, slack, eat, socialize, etc.

4. persistent long-term life-decision: what to do next, after grad school, with my life?

5. not really a decision but still on my mind: why am i still single? and what can/should i do about it?


At 8:25 PM, Blogger Steffi said...

hey kendra! found your blog cuz i started my own and now we're both linked on lori's. hope you're doing well. i say go to lei-out :) a bunch of ladies on mischief are going, and they always seem to have fun.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Steffi said...

one more comment. isn't it funny that you called your thanksgiving post "giving of the thanks" and i called mine "thanks for the giving"? you're giving and i'm selfish, haha.
p.s. i'll link your blog if you link mine


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