Thursday, August 23, 2007

not lost

there is a difference between not being where you want to be / not taking the route you intended and being lost. in the former situation, you still know around-about where you are, you are more or less confident in the direction you are headed, and you know from where you've come and how to get back home. when you're lost, you have no clue of any of the above.

it's kinda like this bike route i have. the first time tara and i took it, we missed a turn and ended up far from where we intended -- but still not-lost. the second time i did the route on my own, took the first turn, but missed a second, and ended up on whitney ave -- a far busier street than i'd have like to been on, but i still knew where i was. the third time, i found the second street, but turned wrongly onto it: broadway turns into ives, and then ives branches off of it -- i wanted to stay on ives (not make a turn) then turn on new. but i still was not-lost. next time (hopefully tomorrow morning if i'm not a total lazy ass), i will nail the route and it will rock.

right now, in life, i feel like i'm not lost. it's maybe not where i want to be, or had intended to be, in some respects, but i have an idea of where i'm headed, and how to get back to where i want to be. but even when you're not-lost, you can still enjoy the ride, and that's what i'm trying to do. you come across some things you might not have and might end up enjoying the route more than your intended one.

i'm coming up on a big intersection in my life-route...will i continue to be not-lost? or will i look at a map? stop at a gas station and ask for directions? get out my compass? enlist the help of a navigator? follow someone else? we shall see. for now i'll just try to enjoy the ride.


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