Thursday, May 05, 2005


i think i've had this dream twice, but remember it most vividly from last night.

this old woman, barbara bush-like, but with more charisma.
speaking to a group (of which i was a part -- group was of younger people, like me)
she tried to tell some jokes (they weren't funny) as part of her intro
talking about her life when she was younger
got impression she was poor, not popular
(reminded me of stories from grandma/mom growing up)
anyways, at the end of all this, she delievered her take-home message:

Life is lonely, and it sucks.

wise old woman? the sooner i accept this and stop trying to numb the pain this fact causes, the better off i'll be? or is this view pessimistic? is the answer to connect with people (instead of resorting to food)? i don't know.


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